The Crude and Refined Products Outlook provides an independent view of medium to long-term supply and demand balances for petroleum feedstocks and products along with price forecasts for use in evaluating business strategies, capital investments and financial decisions.
Key Features:
- Global crude supply outlook from major producing regions
- Price forecasts for 24 marker crudes in base subscription
- Supply/demand balances for refined products covering North America, Europe and Asia
- Forecasts of regional product prices and analysis of key price drivers
- Assessments of refinery expansions/additions and other relevant industry developments, including changes in product specs
- Industry special topics available to subscribers
- Semi-annual publication in March and August each year
- Access to industry experts with decades of experience providing market analysis and economic assessments for clients
CRPO Client Subscribers:
- Integrated oil companies
- Independent refining, marketing and chemical companies
- Crude oil producers
- Midstream companies
- Financial institutions
- Institutional investors
- Engineering and technology companies
- Government agencies
- Utility companies
- Petroleum industry associations