Turner, Mason & Company is an accredited third-party verification (3PV) body for the Oregon Clean Fuels Program (OR CFP). Verification bodies and verifiers are crucial to ensuring data quality and accuracy while providing assurance to the regulator, the regulated, and the market.

What is the Clean Fuels Program?

The program is designed to reduce the carbon intensity of the Oregon transportation fuel pool through a credit generation and deficit scheme similar to that of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard. The baseline year for the program is 2015 and the standard for that year represents 10 percent ethanol blended with gasoline and 5 percent biodiesel blended with diesel. The current rule requires a 10 percent reduction in average carbon intensity (CI) from 2015 levels by 2025 as seen below:

Fuels with low CI scores generate credits, while higher carbon intensity fuels create deficits. Credits and deficits are measured in metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The Credits can be sold to offset deficits for compliance with the regulations.

Who is subject to Verification?

Oregon third party verification requirements apply to 2021 calendar year data submitted beginning in the spring of 2022. All Verification statements will be due August 31st, 2022. You will need to engage the services of a DEQ-approved verifier, ensure that all requirements in 340-272 are met, and ensure that a verification statement is received by DEQ from a verification body by the required annual August 31st deadline.

Here are the items subject to verification:

  • Fuel pathway Applications (Validation Optional)
  • Annual fuel pathway Reports
  • Quarterly fuel transaction reports
  • Project reports

How can Turner Mason & Company help you and your organization?

  • We are a registered third-party independent verification body accredited by OR DEQ.
  • We assist in understanding the verification requirements for your activities.
  • We provide annual verification services and optional validation services for new pathways.
  • We assist in the verification of quaterly fuel transactions and the CI operating data.
  • We actively monitor the current markets and help clients understand the Outlook regarding the future compliance scenarios for achieving the CI reduction.

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Contact Us

TM&C Fuels Regulatory Practice has a wealth of experience spanning several decades and we are now available as a third-party verification body for the Oregon Clean Fuels program. Throughout its history, TM&C has provided consultation on EPA and state fuel programs in essentially all aspects of compliance. For questions regarding the OR CFP, please send us an email at contact@turnermason.com or give us a call at 214-754-0898.

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